Libby is passionate about approaching music research from the crossroads between the humanities and sciences. Her work is shaped by a post-disciplinary approach; combining interests in the methodologies associated with quantitative, qualitative, and theoretical questions, she uses a variety of disciplinary angles to explore music as both behavior and artifact. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the music cognition specialization at the University of Western Ontario, Don Wright Faculty of Music. Her developing dissertation explores music-evoked autobiographical memory as it is mediated by social media.
Research Work
Poster presentation, "The Effect of Altered Popular Music on Music-Evoked Autobiographical Memories" at 2024 conference for the Society of Music Cognition and Perception
Book review for Music and the Westward Expansion: Songs of Heart and Place on the American Frontier by Laura Dean. Appears in the Nevada Historical Society Quarterly Vol. 66 (1), 2023, pg. 165
Conference Presentation, 2023 Western University Graduate Symposium on Music: "What’s Going On at the Y.M.C.A?: A Case Study in Music as Cultural Mnemonic"
Conference Presentation, John William "Blind Boone" Symposium: "Merit, not Genius: The Problem of Romanticized Disabilities and the Genius of Blind Boone"
Serving Board Member, Budds Center for American Music Studies
Interim Director, Budds Center for American Music Studies
- 200 Memorable Missouri Musical Moments: Commentary,
Historical Photographs, & Video Clips
- A Thematic Catalogue & Performance Chronicle
of the Music of John Cheetham
Archival Manager for the Budds Center School of Music Archive
Research Assistant for the Budds Center for American Music Studies
Conditioning the Musical Ear: The Effects of 20th-century Sample Based Music on the Sound-to-Music Illusion (Ongoing)
When Theories of Psychology and Music Intersect: A Case Study in Schoenberg, Dutilleux, and Lansky
Schema-Based Education and the Composition Student: Considerations in Primary Composition Education
Prescription Sound: An Introduction to Ethnomusicology
Freudian Theory in Sound: Psychoanalysis and the Music of Weimar Germany
The University of Western Ontario
Ph.D. Musicology (degree expected 2025)
The University of Missouri
M.A. Musicology (2020)
M.M. Composition (2019)
Belhaven University
B.A. in Music (Composition)
American Musicological Society (2019-)
Society for Music Perception and Cognition (2020-)